4 Types of Evergreen Video That Your Business Needs

In today’s marketing landscape, over 85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. What’s more, 93% of those who do use video say that it’s an important part of their strategy. With the rise of the digital era, video has become an integral part of how companies and organizations communicate with their audiences across platforms.

But for many businesses, video is no small investment— which is why when you do create content, it should be built to last. That’s where evergreen video content comes in.

In this article, we’ll break down what evergreen content is, why it’s so important for your business, and how you can implement it in your marketing strategy.

What is an evergreen video?

Simply put, an evergreen video is a piece of content that will stay relevant, useful, and effective for a long period of time. Whereas videos based around trends or fleeting promotions may only stay relevant for a couple of weeks, an evergreen video can be used for months or years on end.

Evergreen content focuses on aspects of your products or business that don’t change often, if at all. Typically, these videos will center around:

  • What you do and the need that you fill

  • Who you are as a business and what you believe in

  • What you’ve done for your customers and how your products or services make people feel

Evergreen videos should not be based on popular trends or fads, nor center around a holiday or season. While there’s certainly a time and place for this content, they don’t always do a great job at informing new and potential customers about the basics of your business.

Why are evergreen videos important?

Quality video content is an investment in your business— and that investment should last you a while. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from evergreen video content because it’s designed to generate traffic, leads, and conversions over time, not just for short spurts.

Overall, evergreen marketing content:

  • Drives sustainable, regular traffic to your website

  • Requires less work (and money) in the long run

  • Works hand-in-hand with SEO strategies and best practices

  • Builds brand loyalty

At its core, the goal of evergreen video is to use the medium to answer basic questions that customers may have— and will continue to have— about your offerings, who you are, and what you stand for, all while being engaging, entertaining, or inspiring.

What are the different types of evergreen videos?

Evergreen videos can come in many different forms. Here are four types of videos that often live on prominent consumer touch-points and are great for paid ad campaigns.


Think about how many ads you see in a day, whether they be on TV, before a YouTube video, or when you’re scrolling on Instagram or Facebook.

Commercials and video ads are more relevant now than ever before. Though the way we consume ads has changed over the last decade, the fact remains that they are still a vital component of almost any marketing strategy. And, when made with longevity in mind, a single well-made commercial can last years.

Commercials are often the first experience a consumer has with a brand. This means that you only have 30-60 seconds to make a lasting impression, which certainly doesn’t seem like a long time. In less than a minute, you need to:

  • Convey what your business or products achieve 

  • Build a foundation of trust with your audience

  • Make viewers want to learn more about what they just saw

Developing a successful commercial is a large feat, which is why it is something that you don’t want to constantly remake. By focusing on the evergreen nature of your commercial, you craft a story that’ll stand the test of time.


Ready to tell your brand’s story? Schedule a free, no-obligation discovery call to learn how Rising Tide Studios can help your business elevate its commercial content through cinematic storytelling.

About us

Though it’s necessary to convey your offerings to potential customers, it’s also important to let them know who you are as a business. When people make a purchase with you, they are also buying into your brand and your values. And though your product or service offerings may change slightly over time, the core of who and what your business is remains the same. Your ‘about us’ video should showcase this emotional core.

This video, which can live on the home page, about us, or contact page on your website, should tell your story in an honest, engaging, and positive way. Video topics usually include:

  • A look at your company’s history

  • A glimpse into your company’s values and how you exhibit those on a daily basis

  • Putting faces to your brand with a behind-the-scenes look at operations

An ‘about us’ video is a great and easy way to win likeability points with your customers. And in a world where likeability is the measure most predictive of whether an advertisement will increase a brand’s sales, generating positive emotions in your audience is crucial.


Social proof is a vital part of any marketing strategy. Customers want to know that ordinary people just like them love your products or services and trust your brand.

Video testimonials are a great opportunity to showcase satisfied customers who have been positively impacted by your company. Through a testimonial, you can craft an emotionally driven story that is more than just a simple review of a product or service. When done right, this type of content has the power to showcase all the great things about your company— your customer service, your mission, the relationships with your customers, and more.

Case studies

Similar to testimonials, case study video content can demonstrate how your business gets results. 

Great for B2B organizations, a case study breaks down how your business’s products or services were a success for a previous customer. But unlike other types of content, which lean heavily on emotional impact, it’s important for case studies to also showcase facts and statistics. Other businesses looking to improve their bottom line want to see the tangible results that you’ve garnered for past customers.

Still, you’ll want to incorporate storytelling that can place your potential customer in the success story’s shoes. Businesses often fail to take advantage of video in this space, even though the medium is perfect for weaving story, data, and visual aids all together into a seamless flow.

Get started on evergreen video content

Evergreen video content is one of the best ways to stretch your marketing dollars. When you produce videos like the four we described above, you invest in the long-term success of your marketing strategy and business as a whole.

Here at Rising Tide Studios, we are firm believers in the power of evergreen video and specialize in creating long-lasting, impactful content for our clients. If you’re ready to get started, reach out to us and learn more about how we can help you grow your brand.


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