5 Mistakes Your Brand is Probably Making with Video

In today’s marketing landscape, it isn’t enough to simply use video— you need to use it right. Thanks to improvements to consumer video equipment and an abundance of free editing software, virtually anyone is able to create video content nowadays. To stand out above the three hundred hours of video being uploaded each minute, you need to share video content that is targeted, engaging, and emotionally impactful.

Unfortunately, many businesses fail to do this by falling into five common pitfalls. We’re here to break down some of the most common mistakes that businesses make with video so that you can get the most from your marketing investment.

5 Video Mistakes to Avoid

Here’s what you should steer clear of when producing and sharing video for your business.


Mistake #1: Your videos don't tell a story.

Humans have been telling visual stories for tens of thousands of years. They are woven into our history and help us understand who we are. They give us a glimpse into the lives and worlds of others and allow us to gain a deeper understanding of other people’s experiences. It’s why we are drawn to books, television shows, and movies— they all satisfy our need for storytelling.

But a good story is more than just entertainment. It’s also a marketing tactic that builds trust and engages audiences through emotion. Your audience won’t remember much about a video that spews facts about your business. They will, however, remember a good story and how that story made them feel. They’ll be able to put themselves in the shoes of whoever is on screen, drawing them into your brand and what you offer.

By engaging these parts of our brain, stories help us make sense of the data we’re given and allows us to commit it to memory. Indeed, research shows that people remember information when it is weaved into narratives up to twenty-two times better than when presented facts alone.

If your videos aren’t utilizing storytelling in some shape or form, you're missing out on these amazing benefits and the chance to connect emotionally with your audience.


Mistake #2: You don’t have a strategy to share your video.

A lot of businesses put money into producing video content without giving any thought to what should be done with the video after it is made.

The fact is, your content won’t do much good if it isn’t getting in front of the right eyes. A video with a hundred thousand dollar budget might as well have been shot with an iPhone if you’re not sharing it where your audience can see it. 

Every video needs a distribution strategy in order to be successful. Of course, what your strategy should entail will depend on the specifics of your business. In general, when building out your plan, you’ll want to think about:

  • Who your audience is

  • Where they are online and what platforms they use most

  • What kind of content they respond best to

Don’t expect your audience to come to you; you’ll need to meet them where they are.


Mistake #3: Your video doesn’t serve a purpose.

Producing content just for the sake of producing content isn’t beneficial to any marketing strategy. Your videos should each serve a particular purpose, whether it be to inform, educate, entertain, or inspire your audience.

Some common goals that businesses have include:

  • Increasing brand awareness within your target market

  • Building a relationship with your audience by telling the story of your brand

  • Educating your audience on what your brand can do for them

Not only will your video purpose inform where you’ll share your video, but it’ll also help your video marketing team create content relevant to your specific marketing goals.


Mistake #4: There is no regard for quality.

Your video content may be the first impression that someone has of your business. The first thing that they see should be quality content reflective of the top-notch service that you offer your customers.

It can be tempting to opt for a cheaper video option, whether it be the DIY route or a low-budget videographer with minimal resources. However, this often means settling for content of a lower caliber. One of the best (and easiest) ways to invest in the quality of your content is to collaborate with a video marketing agency.

Today’s consumers can sniff out a cheap video from a mile away. Though consumer-grade cameras and microphones may have come a long way in the last decade, it still doesn’t match the quality that professional video equipment and a team that knows how to use the gear can offer. 

But video quality goes beyond the picture; it’s also about the details. Hiring a professional video marketing company also means that you’ll have a team working to:

  • Craft your message in a clear, concise way

  • Hone in on the emotional connection between your brand and audience

  • Source the best talent and locations for your video

Together with the post-production capabilities that an agency offers, all of this comes together to create video content that gets results.


Want to learn more about working with a video agency to create effective content for your brand? Rising Tide Studios is ready to help you.


Mistake #5: You aren’t producing the right kinds of content.

Video is an investment, so it’s important to spend your money on content that will provide a return.

It can be easy to hop on social media trends, but so often those are here today and gone tomorrow. While you may get temporary results, this kind of content is not sustainable unless you have the resources to continuously churn out fresh content.

Instead, it’s important to focus your efforts on creating evergreen content. Evergreen content, which is designed to generate traffic, leads, or conversions for long periods of time, is a staple of video marketing. Content like commercials, brand stories, and testimonials serve a purpose long after they are created, giving you the most bang for your buck.


Make the right video decisions

By avoiding these five mistakes, you’ll be on your way to creating winning video content that gets the attention of your target audience and the results you desire. If you’re ready to get started on your video marketing journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to learn more about how we can help you.


Now Is the Best Time to Get Started on Video for 2022


4 Types of Evergreen Video That Your Business Needs